We did it. And we did it together. I think back to those virtual parent meetings last spring and this fall — where I laid out our re-opening plans; where I tried to normalize these far-from normal procedures like mask wearing, saying good-bye on the street and new stringent symptoms/illness policies;  where I acknowledged the fear and the unknowns of what this year would bring. And then where I asked you all to trust us. And you did. And look what we did together!!

Here we are — at the end of a school year that almost defies description. The amount of trust, faith, and vigilance that was required from the entire community is staggering. But not surprising. Because there really is no greater community than the Greenhouse community. This year has tested us in so many ways; we have proved that we are strong, able and ready. As the world was going crazy outside, we chose to go back to the very heart of why we are here — it’s always been about the kids!

We all focused on finding the best way to provide our kids with what they needed:





While there were things we missed (like being all together!), the fact that our kids got to have this school year filled with joy – well, that made it all worth it.

I am honestly humbled and awed when I think about the leap of faith you all took. Faculty, staff and families alike – we all decided that being together back at Greenhouse was worth the risks. I am filled with gratitude for all of you. And so, so thankful to have the opportunity to be amongst you.  A special shout out to those families moving on from Greenhouse to the next and new thing! While your daily stop at Greenhouse may be no more, that doesn’t change the fact that you are always a member of the Greenhouse community. No matter where you go next! A second shout out to the faculty and staff for their unwavering dedication. They are the life blood of this school and I am honored to work alongside them. Also special thanks to Kalemah and Mei, as they held things together in between those daily health screenings! Finally, an official thank you and good-bye to Liza King, our PA Chair. After many years in the PA leadership role, she and her family are moving out of the city this summer. You will be missed.

With much love and the warmest wishes for a summer filled with rest, fun and good health, we say our official goodbye to the 2020-2021 school year,
