Dear Families,

Thank you so much for a wildly successful and fun Winter Benefit! With your help and support, we raised a record-breaking $34,000 for Greenhouse. From the gratifyingly high attendance rate, to the popular raffle ticket sales, to the highest live auction sales on record–each reflects our community’s generosity, spirit and commitment to the work of Columbia Greenhouse.

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The night was flawless–terrific attendance, delicious food (hello, lobster mac and cheese! I’m looking at you!), exciting donations (those class donations were perfect!), and lively, competitive bidding (the firehouse tour bids needed to continue onto a second page!). The energy and enthusiasm was palpable!

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The evening was only made sweeter by our honoring of Rachel Roth’s 25 years of service to Greenhouse’s children and families–including the faculty’s stirring tribute to their friend and colleague.


The evening was made possible through the work and dedication of an amazing group of people. The night’s events were led by Vera Elumn, Greenhouse’s Administrator and Rachel Maniatis, Benefit Chair. Along with the full Benefit committee, they spent the day arranging the donations, hanging decorations and putting finishing touches on the lovely space at Union Theological Seminary. A special thank you to Bernie McCormick for setting up our technology stations and leading the check-in/out and John Schnatterly, our auctioneer, for getting the crowed excited about our live auction items and keeping us all moving!


We hoped you all enjoyed the evening and once again, thank you to all that attended, helped, donated, bid, and so on! It was a magical night, indeed!

